Discover how Token works with the main and most promising crypto assets
Since their inception in 2009, crypto assets have grown exponentially, and with total market capitalization by mid-2021, assets have approached $3 trillion.
Since the universe of crypto projects is fairly new and the vast majority of innovative solutions are not found in mainstream currencies, the fact is that mainstream cryptocurrencies do not necessarily reflect the growth potential of crypto assets in general.
On the other hand, mid- and small-cap project currencies may, despite being more volatile, be more effective than more traditional or consolidated cryptocurrencies.
However, locating those cryptocurrencies with the greatest potential is quite a dense task that requires constant study, which is why very few users set out to do this.
One of the only projects in the crypto market that performs this task in a highly automated and decentralized manner is the Global Altcoin Token (GAT). This protocol contains assets that effectively reflect the extent of the great solutions found in crypto projects in an exempt and regulated manner by high-level decentralized and autonomous governance.
This is why we decided to talk in this article about the Uniera Token, a project that allows you to invest in the major and most promising crypto assets due to its direct relationship with the Global Altcoin Token (GAT).
Want to better understand how the Uniera Token works? Keep reading the article!
What is a Token?
In short, a token is a digital representation of an asset — money, property, investment. They are digital assets, created to be used within the ecosystem of an existing project. In other words, they do not need to have their own blockchain, like cryptocurrencies.
In other words, tokens are digital representations of real assets. Their financial value depends on the value of the asset they represent.
What is the difference between token and cryptocurrency?
The main difference is in terms of creation: cryptocurrencies are native to their blockchains and are developed in a complex way, while tokens are easy to create and need to be embedded in an existing blockchain.
But token and cryptocurrency also have different attributions:
Cryptocurrencies can:
- Be used in financial transactions;
- Used as stores of value;
- Compose an investment portfolio.
Tokens can:
- Digitally represent some good of value
- Be used to keep blockchains running;
- Activate app resources.
Uniera Token is a crypto protocol, identified through UNITOK and represents a token on the Ethereum blockchain network (ERC-20) with a limited fixed supply of 1,000,000,000 units. UNITOK is a token tied to the Global Altcoin Token (GAT).
GAT is a standalone cryptocurrency-only portfolio. The GAT eliminates the intermediary, the platform, and is therefore able to offer significantly lower fees.
- It is fully functional;
- Its token value is not based on speculation, but rather on the benefits of the product to which it refers and the net asset value of the underlying cryptocurrencies.
- There are no brokerage fees, advisory fees or exit fees, but only global protocol compensation based on governance and performance.
Called GAT, the Global Altcoin Token utility token can be traded at any time, as well as being fully transparent and featuring no legacy banking fees or expensive fund managers.
GAT tokens are directly linked to underlying assets via smart contracts, guaranteeing the highest lower (minimum) limit on the market value of all tokens.
Uniera and GAT
The GAT is an Autonomous Decentralized Organization (DAO), which makes the project:
Have guaranteed independence and automation of the solution in perpetuity, without any interference from Uniera in GAT;
Ensure UNITOK’s security in acquiring the GAT with a single underlying token.
By acquiring UNITOK, you are indirectly acquiring the GAT. Uniera acts as the user’s agent commissioner, acting in its own name (Uniera’s), but on behalf of the user, performing the technological procedures for acquiring the GAT.
Given the relevance of the representativeness of the GAT and the crypto projects to which it relates, Uniera has chosen to issue its utility token based on a 1:1 ratio on the GAT.
In a relatively new market like the crypto-active market, many doubts are generated regarding the design reliability and security of the acquired assets. For this reason, besides the underlying protocol of the GAT having been extensively analyzed and studied by the Uniera, some additional measures have been adopted to raise the level of compliance:
- Custody
GAT tokens are stored through Gnosis Safe, one of the largest and most secure protocols in the world, with over $86 billion in insured value. With complementary layer of transfer permissions exclusively through hardware wallets, both in relation to the central supply wallet of the UNITOKs, and in relation to the custody of the acquired GAT tokens, the private keys of such wallets are also restricted exclusively to the Uniera executive board.
- Governance
Besides the dynamics of great independence and automation of the functioning of the process, due to the fact that the GAT is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), the protocol also ensures additional security to all investors that the conduct of the project is not being carried out according to the discretion of a few decision makers.
In relation to UNITOK, the use of Gnosis Safe smart contracts also ensures that any value or token transfer process that is being done on behalf of the investor is dependent on multiple approvals to be completed, thus eliminating the risks regarding errors or deviations from internal processes.
- Independent auditing
External audits provide investors with a higher level of confidence that the processes adopted by companies and projects are being conducted with transparency.
Considering the insecurities existing in the crypto market regarding the accuracy of processes, Uniera understood that it was essential to have an independent audit not only of its own internal processes, but also of the GAT protocol itself.
With this, UNITOK, and consequently the GAT, are now positioned at another level of security and reliability within the cryptoactive universe. Periodic audit reports will be issued and published on Uniera’s communication channels.
Uniera, through its own platform or on a third-party trading platform, acts as an intermediary in the process of buying GAT tokens through UNITOK.
This means that UNITOK is a commission token (“commissiotoken”) and that Uniera performs the purchases and sales in its own name, but on behalf and to the order of the token acquirer. The direct ownership of UNITOK or GAT tokens held in Uniera’s wallets or accounts lies with the acquiring commissary users of the tokens.
UNITOK is a token that is free of any fee or cost. There is not embedded within UNITOK any kind of commission or discount. UNITOK is a utility token, in that tied to a commission service, it accurately reflects the net price of the GAT in the market.
Since the beginning of our history, we have always sought to develop the most innovative and secure solutions in the crypto market. And the Uniera Token is one of the most differentiated projects that we present in our portfolio.
With a direct relationship with the Global Altcoin Token (GAT), an autonomous protocol that enables access to several promising cryptocurrencies with significantly lower fees, the Uniera Token presents independence, security and a portfolio with disruptive solutions in an earlier stage, thus bringing great potential for appreciation.
Did you understand how the Uniera Token works? To invest, simply log in and register on our platform.
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